
Sunday, September 19, 2010

The winds were howling yesterday, as usual, and the canopy on the RV looked as if it would blow away. Honey made an "Executive decision" to bring it down before Mother Nature took care of it, for us! Being the self-designated backseat driver, does not mean that my instructions are limited to a moving vehicle.....I find that I can instruct at any time! I think honey was actually glad to have my assistance - it's no mean feat to get the darned thing rolled back up, and locked in place, and with the wind blowing 90 to nothing, you almost wish you didn't have a canopy! And, had we not put it up .....we probably wouldn't have had one for long.

We decided to try another "Fall Color" drive, and I was hoping we might even see a Moose somewhere among the trees and underbrush. There are Moose crossing signs on almost every road, 'Moose viewing area signs', and Moose observation platforms ....but we've had no luck. We've seen every other wild animal, possible .....wolf, fox, deer, and black bear....all on a public highway, but no moose. I laughingly told honey maybe we should just go park on a highway, and wait for a moose to come along....since they don't seem to be where the signs say they are.

The Fall Color routes begin with paved roads, but the pavement ends very quickly, and one finds oneself on gravel or dirt. On this road, the branches of the trees seemed to reach out to one another and formed a beautiful canopy. And, scattered down these dirt roads were homes - most with firewood already stacked in place, ready for the winter.

Signs like these, warning of a 'Sled Dog Crossing' are frequent, along the backroads. There were trails thru the woods, with noticeable ruts, on either side of the road.
 This was probably the cutest sign we saw and was understandable, in any language!

Just across the Canadian border we saw several gaggles of geese, as if they were convening, in preparation for a flight south ....soon. (And, who could blame them!)

Had they been just a little larger, and the weather just a little warmer, these waves could have been a surfer's paradise!

The evening sunlight played on the waves, as they crashed against the rocky beach at Colville, Minnesota. This community was named for Colonel William Colville who led Minnesota troops, at Gettysburg, and returned to settle in the area. 

So much history, and so much beauty, in this beautiful land.....

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