
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wind Farms, Cornfields, and finally, the cottonfields back home........

Earlier in the week, we rode out of Minnesota and across into the farm lands of Iowa. Northern Iowa has become the Midwest Wind Farm Belt with hundreds of the tall, wind turbines dotted across the farmland. Development companies set up meterological towers that determine wind velocity, for one year, as well as to determine the placement of the turbines. Farmers are paid from $5,000 - $7,000 for one-quarter acre piece of land. Once the tubines are placed, the land can go back into cultivation. Each turbine is from 200 - 300 feet tall and can provide electricity for thousands of homes.
The tall turbines tower over the trees.

       The clouds hung low, and the big arms turned rapidly in the wind. These turbines, sit in the middle of this northern Iowa cornfield.

    The fields, of Iowa corn stretched endlessly, along the Interstate, over the rolling hills.

     Iowa, where the tall corn grows, has been the top producer of corn for the past 14 years. 

        In Missouri, we saw our first cottonfield - reminding us of our own home state. 

As we head south out of Tennessee, down I-55 toward Jackson ....and home.....we see that some of our own hardwood trees have begun to lose their shades of green and have hues of gold and some red. The weather is warmer (much) than what we left behind. 

We'll be glad to park this vehicle in our own yard, for awhile. We hope you've enjoyed traveling with us, looking at the photos and have also learned a little history as we've gone along. How fortunate we are to live in this beautiful land........the USA.

Until next trip...................    

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