
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cemeteries, and Ancestors, in Indiana.....

Lucille (the GPS), and honey with the map (actually, it was more honey's memory) did quite an admirable job of getting us to where we wanted to be, yesterday. I think every highway and every Interstate, surrounding the city of Indianapolis, is under construction. How nice it will be when completed, but it's really a navigational nightmare right now.

Our trip was to visit Abner's Creek Cemetery about five miles outside Danville, IN where many of Bob's ancestors, on the Gorrell side, are buried. It had been quite a few years since our last visit, and it was very disturbing to see the condition of the cemetery. The last burial was probably the burial of Bob's uncle in 1958. Stones were either sinking into the ground, overturned, or broken. Many of the older stones had become illegible. The cemetery was once a part of the Abner's Creek Regular Baptist Church in Gale, IN. The Church is no loner in existence, but the old cemetery still exists, and sits behind some homes.

                                            Broken, and piled stones in Abner's Creek Cemetery

Bob, looking at the broken stone of his Paternal grandmother - "Maggie" Gentry Gorrell.
Abner's Creek Cemeter, Danville, IN - in a state of disrepair

The house where Bob's father was born, in 1910, still stands, as well as the house of his great-grandparents - across the road.

The house of Bob's great-grandparents, Harvey and Rebecca Tharp Gentry, still stands - over 100 years old, on Gale Road, near Danville, IN.

Forty-six years ago, we named our oldest daughter 'Gale' ....little did we know, that her great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents had lived on 'Gale' road, in Indiana!

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