
Friday, September 17, 2010

We're "on the road" talking about SMA.....

This is another one of those "stay inside with a good book" days, since it's cloudy, windy and quite chilly.  Lake Superior is white capping, with waves that almost look like they'd be suitable for surfers. Those surfers would need to be in heated wet suits - is there such a thing? Those hardy campers, in tents, certainly have my admiration in this weather.

This is the area of the U.S. where campgrounds, and even stores, begin closing for the winter in mid-to-late October. The tree, beside our RV, seems to have changed overnite, and the golden leaves are now beginning to cover the ground.

Yesterday, there was an SMA Blog Party (you've heard of Block Parties....this was a Blog Party) where bloggers came together to bring awareness about this terrible disease. I missed that event, but didn't want to miss the opportunity to talk about my friend's little granddaughter, Evie, and her illness.

Parts of the following was copied from another blog. It is so well-written, I didn't think I could improve on I borrowed!!

SMA was something I’d never heard of before it affected the family of someone I knew. It is the number ONE genetic killer of very young children.  There is currently no treatment and no cure, but researchers are close. They estimate that with funding they could find a cure in the next five years. So effected families all over are taking it to the streets to raise awareness and funds for the research to find a cure! Just like most of us, these moms and dads brought home happy, healthy, thriving babies, and then down the road received the SMA diagnosis. Can you imagine?

You can watch this video created by another SMA organization, The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, for a better understanding. What else can we do? See below. Please vote and share this info with everyone you know.
  • You can vote once EVERY DAY from now until September 29th at 5 PM EDT
  • Go to, select the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, enter the two security words, check the Official Rules box, and then click “Vote Now!”
  • That’s it! It’s really that simple.
  • Don’t forget to add your name to the list so you don’t miss a $20K vote.
  • And…don’t stop there — SHARE!
My friend's granddaughter, beautiful little Evie, will be 4 next week ....on September 21st. Evie was diagnosed with Type 2 SMA at just 18 months. She loves to swim, but needs someone neaby because she's unable to raise her head out of the water, without assistance. Most 4 year olds, are running and playing ....Evie is unable to do that. She is confined to a wheelchair, which enables her to move around. She's a beautiful child, with curly hair and a bright smile. You'd never know there was anything wrong with this special angel.....

Evie's family has formed a non-profit organization, StopSMA, dedicated to raising awareness about SMA, and raising money for SMA research. On October 29, there will be a charity Golf event at Lake Caroline, to benefit SMA. Sign up your team or become a Sponsor today! Contact for more info.

NASCAR driver, Jimmie Johnson's Foundation - Samsung Helmet of Hope - will award $20,000 to a charity --- based on votes. The Helmet of Hope is a part of the Samsung program to help children, in need. Go to and select the Gwendolyn Strong foundation. Your vote may help SMA win the $$$ necessary to help fight this disease.

All over this beautiful land, there are beautiful people......

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