
Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Waynesville, NC Cemetery...

I never met a cemetery I didn't like! and this was no exception. Lucky for me, Ann Greco loves trekking thru old cemeteries as much as I, so we headed out to the old section of the Waynesville, NC cemetery. Unfortunately, neither of us found any of our ancestors .... but for genealogists, it just doesn't matter!!

This tombstone was erected by the NSDAR to honor Colonel Robert Love 1760 - 1845, Revolutionary Soldier.

And, General Robert M. Henry, who fought in the War Between the States (Civil War) 1821- 1885.

Another Civil War soldier, buried alongside his wife....Jerry M. Allen and Elizabeth Allen.

And the tree. probably planted years ago to shade this mother's final resting place, has now enveloped it.

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