
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Our Journey Begins.....

Early on the morning of Tuesday, August 17.....after several days of packing the RV and getting it ready to roll, and after our 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration, we headed out to see the world.....or the United States portion, anyway.

Traveling in an RV has its advantages. There's no packing and unpacking, once you get to a hotel, and all the conveniences (well, most of them) are right at your fingertips. But, it also takes lots of organization....everything has to have a place. Honey and I have a system......I'll take care of the inside, and the organization, if he'll take care of the outside....AND the driving. And, since I'm a "certified" backseat driver, he also gets the benefits of my instructions and directions.

We had reservations, beginning Wednesday, August 18, at Moonshine Creek Campground near Waynesville, NC. Because we had left so early, on Tuesday, we were able to make the trip in one day - even though it was almost 500 weary miles. It was one of those trips where you feel like you're too tired to continue, but too close to stop.

The creek runs through the campground, which sits in a valley, surrounded by the lush forests of the Smokey Mountains. Less than 5 miles away is one of the entrances to the Blue Ridge Parkway.  

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