
Thursday, August 26, 2010

On the road again....

Willie's theme song has become our mantra. This a.m., we left the peaceful creekside spot and our friends, Sam and Ann Greco, and headed northward. Our final destination will be Fort Wayne, IN and the Allen County Library - reputed to be among the top five genealogy libraries in the U.S.

The "curvaceous" (as Ann so aptly put it) Interstate 40 was one of those white-knuckle trips.....and I wasn't even driving. We were happy to put that stretch of highway behind us.

We soon were into Kentucky and the rolling hills filled with tobacco, either drying on the racks, or yellowing in the fields ....ready to be harvested.

Our first stop on this second leg of our trip was to spend the night at a Good Sam Park just south of Cincinnati. Not only is it near the Interstate (75), but it's awfully close to a train track that may just possibly be our nemisis.

Tomorrow, we'll arrive at our destination ...and Sarah will fulfill her lifelong dream of visiting this library and "digging up bones".

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