
Sunday, August 29, 2010

In and Around Fort Wayne......

Grabill, IN, a small Amish community - less than the size of our hometown - is just about 15 minutes northeast of Fort Wayne. We decided that would be our "getaway" for the afternoon. Unfortunately, we didn't account for the fact that it was Sunday, and the Amish don't work on Sunday; so everything was closed. It was still a neat little town, filled with shops that I would have loved to visit!!

An Amish family, in their horse drawn buggy, going down the side of the highway just outside Grabill. The buggies here are open, unlike the enclosed buggies of the Pennsylvania Amish. Not quite sure how these folks deal with the winter snows!

The Cathedral of Fort Wayne

St. Patrick's Catholic Church....

St. Peter's Catholic Church, with the steeple seeming to reach for the clouds.

Not sure which church this was, but the scene was so beautiful, I couldn't resiste the urge to take the photo.

The folks in Fort Wayne must be among the healthiest, in the nation.....they are forever walking, jogging, or riding bicycles. I have seen more bicyclist here than any place ....other than Amsterdam!

Tomorrow.....the library!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Johnny Appleseed Campground, Fort Wayne, IN.....

We're not settled, but we're here. I know it's hard to believe, but I made a mistake in our reservations! Thought our reservation started today, but alas, 'twas tomorrow. The hostess (all these campgrounds have hosts and hostesses that work for their camping spot) found a "temporary" spot for us, until tomorrow.

There's so much to do in, and around, this city......and I just can't wait to go see Johnny Appleseed's Grave, a National Historic Place, here in Fort Wayne. Johnny (actually, his name was John Chapman) traveled the countryside planting apples. There's a Johnny Appleseed Festival here in mid-September.

And, of course, the main reason we're here is to visit the Allen County Library, reputed to be among the top Genealogy Libraries in the country. Much is online these days, but there's still much research that can be done onsite.

Tonite, as we sat in the camper, I heard the music coming from the Ice Cream Truck. There weren't many of those on Fellowship Road!! What a joy to go back to my childhood and get to do something that I never got to a child!

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling.....

Honey and I left the campground at Crittenden, KY, just south of Cincinnati, OH this morning and were glad to leave the train tracks behind us! (Fifteen trains, all blowing their horns at the too close crossing, were a tad too much in about 5 hours.)

Soon, the tall, old church steeples were shining in the sun as we topped the hill with Cincinnati spread out before us. We decided to take a new route to Ft. Wayne, and opted to continue north on I-75 thru Dayton, Ohio rather than head west to Indianapolis. For miles outside Cincinnati, the Interstate was under construction - lanes were narrow and traffic was heavy. This backseat driver said nothing!!

So looking forward to Ft. Wayne and the Allen County Library where I hope to break down the Walker brick wall!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

On the road again....

Willie's theme song has become our mantra. This a.m., we left the peaceful creekside spot and our friends, Sam and Ann Greco, and headed northward. Our final destination will be Fort Wayne, IN and the Allen County Library - reputed to be among the top five genealogy libraries in the U.S.

The "curvaceous" (as Ann so aptly put it) Interstate 40 was one of those white-knuckle trips.....and I wasn't even driving. We were happy to put that stretch of highway behind us.

We soon were into Kentucky and the rolling hills filled with tobacco, either drying on the racks, or yellowing in the fields ....ready to be harvested.

Our first stop on this second leg of our trip was to spend the night at a Good Sam Park just south of Cincinnati. Not only is it near the Interstate (75), but it's awfully close to a train track that may just possibly be our nemisis.

Tomorrow, we'll arrive at our destination ...and Sarah will fulfill her lifelong dream of visiting this library and "digging up bones".

The Waynesville, NC Cemetery...

I never met a cemetery I didn't like! and this was no exception. Lucky for me, Ann Greco loves trekking thru old cemeteries as much as I, so we headed out to the old section of the Waynesville, NC cemetery. Unfortunately, neither of us found any of our ancestors .... but for genealogists, it just doesn't matter!!

This tombstone was erected by the NSDAR to honor Colonel Robert Love 1760 - 1845, Revolutionary Soldier.

And, General Robert M. Henry, who fought in the War Between the States (Civil War) 1821- 1885.

Another Civil War soldier, buried alongside his wife....Jerry M. Allen and Elizabeth Allen.

And the tree. probably planted years ago to shade this mother's final resting place, has now enveloped it.

Beautiful Lake Junaluska...

On Monday, we were lucky to get to visit with family/friends, Charlie and Dimple because Dimple and I are third cousins (on the Walker side of the house). And, friends because Charlie is a brother to my Uncle James (uncle by marriage). But, as honey said, we really feel like we're a part of the family.

It was such a wonderful their beautiful home (Charlie needs to start designing, and Dimple really needs to become an Interior Decorator), with great conversation and delicious food.

The lake, rippling in the cool morning air.....looked almost like a piece of glass.

The ducks provided quite a show....and we were just in time to catch this shot.

The doggie that couldn't bark!!

Flower garden at Inspiration Point

And, the pièce de résistance of Lake Junaluska .... the beautiful Cross on the Mount

Moonshine Creek Campground - NC Mountains

The entrance to the campground, in the "boonies" of the Smokey Mountains near Waynesville, NC.

It was little, but it was noisy.....peaceful and pretty. Great for sleeping.

Sitting around the campfire, with friends (the empty chair belongs to the photographer - me).

Roughing (???) it!!

Our Journey Begins.....

Early on the morning of Tuesday, August 17.....after several days of packing the RV and getting it ready to roll, and after our 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration, we headed out to see the world.....or the United States portion, anyway.

Traveling in an RV has its advantages. There's no packing and unpacking, once you get to a hotel, and all the conveniences (well, most of them) are right at your fingertips. But, it also takes lots of organization....everything has to have a place. Honey and I have a system......I'll take care of the inside, and the organization, if he'll take care of the outside....AND the driving. And, since I'm a "certified" backseat driver, he also gets the benefits of my instructions and directions.

We had reservations, beginning Wednesday, August 18, at Moonshine Creek Campground near Waynesville, NC. Because we had left so early, on Tuesday, we were able to make the trip in one day - even though it was almost 500 weary miles. It was one of those trips where you feel like you're too tired to continue, but too close to stop.

The creek runs through the campground, which sits in a valley, surrounded by the lush forests of the Smokey Mountains. Less than 5 miles away is one of the entrances to the Blue Ridge Parkway.