We were in search of cemeteries, in Allen County, that contained ancestors of my husband. They had come to this area, over one hundred years ago, from Pennsylvania. We were surprised to find that one cemetery was laid out with graves in a semi-circle, rather than in rows with the head facing East. And, there were several large family tombstones with the family buried, in a circle, around the larger stone.
We were successful in finding Gorrell gravestones, by looking for variations, in the spelling of the last name, as Goral and Gourelle. I was happy to learn that one of his ancestors had lived to the ripe old age of 129 years!
Our day ended with a second visit to the little Amish town of Grabill, IN, and a trip to a wonderful restaurant that served delicious Pork Tenderloin sandwiches (unknown to the South), Rhubarb Pie (unavailable in the South) and a glass of sweet iced tea (a southern tradition). We toured an antique store, covering a city block, but decided they had nothing we couldn't live without!
Even the buggies have covered parking at the stores, in Grabill. Certainly makes it better for those snowy trips to town, in the winter!
Everything, one ever wanted, for the sweet tooth, but we resisted!
Another beautiful day, in this beautiful land of ours!
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